
Colleen Keefe
2 min readMar 7, 2021

Hey folks,

I’m Colleen.

Much of my creative practice over the past three decades has been focused on visual art, and my identity as a creator in that time has in turn been tuned by making physical things — mostly drawings, but sculpture too. You can find a bunch of that at

Motile, Colleen Keefe, Ink on Panel, 2017

I used to write a ton of poetry in my very early twenties, though. I’d hunch over a typewriter, obsessing over a comma, not unlike the way in later years I’d obsess over the curve of a line as I laid down ink on paper.

Since summer 2020, I’ve been tapping into my writing side again, mostly with poetry and longer form fiction. There are many answers to the “why now” question, but I don’t know how interesting those answers are. Maybe I’ll elaborate more at some point.

In the meantime, I’ll be posting poetry here. The poems may be from 2020–2021, or from 1992 or so, the last time I attempted poetry.

Poets craft their own private language. I’m interested in the 28 year gap between 1992 and 2020, and how my own language has changed in the intervening years. What does a 24 year old write about? How do that person’s words filter through to age 52, and what do the added years bring?

Eventually the older writing posts will filter to the bottom, but in the meantime, I’m going to interleave old and new, so check dates at the bottom if you’re curious.

Be patient with me and my words; it’s taking awhile to shake the rust out. And please, if you have feedback or thoughts, share them.




Colleen Keefe

I’m a Philadelphia based artist, curator and now, apparently, writer. Transgender. Pronouns: they/them.